Saturday, May 28, 2011

How to remove label count in blogger

I will see many blogger don,t have label count they have only label heading.

After searching web i will find the way to remove label count from blogger.

To remove label count from blogger

go to your blogger account and sign in first

 and than go to Design menu

click on edit html button

check the expand widget template box and find 

find  this line showing in the below images

and delete it  and save template.

Now see your label count remove automatically.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

How To Put Adsense Ad Unit Below Post Title In Blogger Template

Go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML and Check the  Expand Widget Templates check box on top right of the HTML windowSearch the following line in your HTML code:

You might have seen many blogs where the adsense unit is placed just below the Post title. The reason behind putting the add just below the post title is, it is the position with the highest CTR(click-through rate), which means an ad at this position can generate handsome income for you. According to google adsense guidelines, the best performing adsense position is above the primary content of the page.

Putting an adsense ad unit below post title in a blogger blog is just a three step process.

Step 1: Prepare/Get Your Adsense ad Unit Code
Create a new adsense unit by login into your adsense account or you can make use of the existing unit. For better results it is recommended to use wider ad size units such as Large Rectangle(338x280) and Medium Rectangle(300x250).After completion of the ad creation process you will get the HTML code for the ad. Now you need to convert this RAW HTML code to escaped code using Quick Escape tool and copy it. The ad won’t appear if you use the original unescaped ad code. 

Step 2: Add the  ad code to Your  template
Paste the escaped ad code right above the line and it will appear on all the pages of your blog. But if you want your add to appear only on post pages then use the code below.
Step3: Track Ad Performance
Dont forget to track the ad performance of the ad unit you added by following the above steps. Since no two blogs are similar, the ad unit size you have added to your blog may not work out so well for you. So if you don't see positive results, try out different ad types, formats or positions to put the ad unit in your blog.