A lot of would-be bloggers are really hesitant to start blogging for one big reason...
They don't think they have anything to talk about!
The funny thing is, experienced bloggers really don't have a problem with this idea, because they know where to look (and they're constantly thinking about their next post).
For me, I try to stick to what I know, what I use, and what I've experienced.
I try to keep my business somewhat of an open book... I document successes, and even my colossal failures (in order to keep a semblance of credibility:0)
So, that's the best overall advice I can give you - stick to talking about things you're familiar with. For example, don't talk about some great product or marketing strategy that you've NEVER used.
Here are 10 content ideas to use now!
1. Numbered Lists
Not only is this one of the easiest ones to write, it's also one that grabs the most attention. Your readers will love you for laying everything out in a simple, uncomplicated way (notice this post is a "numbered list"... shameless, I know).
Plus, it helps to break up your post to be more appealing to the eye.
2. Q & A
To find good questions to use, just keep one ear to the ground at all times. In other words, pay attention to what people are asking... on Facebook, on the phone with you, in emails, or even in forums!
This one's easy also because once you've got a list of questions, the rest isn't terribly difficult to construct.
3. How To's
A classic. However, when doing these, it's easy to scrimp on the details, and that'll do more harm than good.
But, if your point of view is that you're going to give out everything you possibly know and write the most definitive "how to" on the internet, you're on the right track!
I like how to's, because they usually aren't difficult to write... I mean if you're writing an in-depth post on how to do something from A to Z, it's usually something that you know very well and have experience with.
By the way, these are my favorite kind of posts to read
4. Lessons From Personal Experience
This idea is one of the best ways to endear yourself to your readers. By telling a story, my readers can more easily identify with me and my problems... and therefore the solutions to those problems.
Then all you have to do is find a way that your personal story relates to a marketing issue, and you've got yourself a pretty darn good post!
5. Case Studies
Another one of my personal favorites! These ones also make GREAT 2 parters (more on that later...) because you can explain what you did, and then later the results you get.
These make your business seem real.
If you explain that you submitted an ad to an Ezine, but you'll share the results next week, it means you're locked in whether it worked or not. In other words, you're not skipping the bad parts and only showing stuff that makes you look like a superhero.
Does that make sense?
6. Technical Video How To's
I recommend not using these very often. In fact, too many can alienate your readers!
Let me explain why...
Most of us online vastly overrate the technical skill of our followers... I'm not trying to insult you, but instead ask yourself if you think that's true.
How often does someone talk about some techie stuff and you ignore it because it's over your head?
That's my point. Some technical videos can be very useful and can help a certain crowd quite a bit. It's just that it comes at the expense of others who have no interest in learning that junk.
I make these videos from time to time and I get a good response... just be careful how often you post these!
7. Multiple Part
For when you just have too much you want to say! The key here is to leave a cliff-hanger so you make people want to tune in the next day.
8. Money Savers
In my experience, people will go HUGE lengths to save a few bucks... For example the other day they had a free Grand Slam breakfast at Denny's.
And the line was out the door!
Basically, these people would wait in line 3 hours, just to save $6 on a breakfast (I wonder how many hours of productivity that killed...)
Using that same premise, you can write a pretty popular post sharing with people how to save money on stuff they're already using.
For example, I found a webinar service I like called AnyMeeting.com which does live webinars for up to 200 people for free.
Now, it doesn't do as much as GoToWebinar, but it saves buckets of money!
9. Invite Guest Posters
When people write posts, they usually tell their subscribers about it. So, if you can get someone to write a post for your blog, there's a good chance that person's entire subscriber base will be notified about it and be introduced to your blog!
10. Personal Toolbox
It's in our nature to snoop. We love to see how other people are getting the results they're getting, and what sweet tools they use to make their life easier.
Sharing all the tools you use will ALWAYS generate some buzz, plus you might be able to sell a few of them!
That's my list for today, and hopefully you've found some value and some ideas for your future blog posts!
Have an awesome day,
To get access to Erin's free video report about how you can generate at least 36 leads per day absolutely for free, visit Erin Smith's MLM Secrets
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