You and I blog because it makes us money... or hope it will eventually!
We don't blog to let people know about our feelings, or what we had for breakfast, or our latest Star Wars figurine we added to the collection. We're in it for the dinero, comprende? And it makes us money because our blogs establish ourselves as credible authorities within our niche. At least... we hope it does that, right? Does your blog actually do its job and make you look like a superhero? Unfortunately, most blogs in the internet network marketing niche fall short in this regard... And it's usually one of a few things that you're doing wrong, but in the long run it ends up hurting you much more than it helps.
Now here's why your blog credibility stinks:
3 Reasons Your Blog Makes You Look Wimpy
1. Blog Layout/Design Stinks
This one's a little tough because a lot of "newbies" think they can't help that their blog doesn't look very good.
But... how often have you visited a blog, but you didn't even read anything because it looked like a complete pile of junk?
Or you did read it, but you had this feeling of "this person doesn't really know what he's doing..." It might take a little more work than you'd like up front, but getting your site to look decent pays back dividends in the long run. You have two options: outsource or learn to do it yourself. If you already have a site set up, but just need help with maybe a header or a few other little tweaks, most blog services will give you a steep discount. For example, if you send a message to a "setter-upper" and say that all you need is a header, and ask how much they charge, you could probably get away with like $30 or something. Or, you could do what I did and learn how to do it yourself! I say this a lot, but I've learned how to do every single technical aspect of internet stuff by Googling it. Learning it yourself means you've got the know-how for helping other people later (and charging $$ for it too). Just remember that a good amount of your credibility is tied to whether your blog looks professional or not.
2. Your Content is Mostly About Your MLM
Really, the issue is that your content isn't any good... but a big rookie mistake is to write large amounts of content centered around how your MLM will make instant millionaires. Writing about how amazing an MLM is only interests people already in that company and yourself. Someone looking into the company will only think you're just hyping it, and that ruins your authority. The "quick fix" is to focus on providing value to as many people as possible within the industry.
3. You Don't "Prove" You're An Expert
I say "prove" because you don't necessarily have to be an expert, but there are ways to show that you know a little bit about what you're doing and that others trust you.
(Just don't lie... that absolutely WILL ruin your credibility)
A few ways are through testimonials, recommendations that you make, your "About Me" page, and writing blog posts demonstrating what you know.
The simplest of these is to make recommendations about useful tools, products, or other MLM'ers to follow. Talking about those things makes it look like you're "in the know". You seem to be informed about what's happening and also on the "latest and greatest" tools and marketing strategies. People will listen to you! These simple fixes will go a long way in creating a buzz around your site, and also to form long term relationships with your readers! Feel free to leave me a comment! What have you done to establish credibility on your blog? Your success starts with you, so make it happen!
To get access to Erin's free video report about how you can generate at least 36 leads per day absolutely for free, visit Erin Smith's MLM Secrets
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