Thursday, August 4, 2011

5 Effective Marketing Tactics for Bloggers

There are many very effective marketing strategies in use for creating wealth online but when it comes to making money by blogging certain tactics work best. It is important to remember that visitors to any blog platform are primarily drawn to it for the content that is posted. Therefore it is important not to use any 'pushy' sales copy within the updates you post since this may tend to drive people away!

With that being said here are 5 very effective ways to monetize a blog platform without compromising the integrity of your updates!

Banner Ads

The placement of banner ads is something that will not necessarily detract from the content you present to readers. These ads are normally positioned off to the side or on the top or bottom of the page. Much like a billboard these ads offer visitors to the blog platform the 'option' of clicking on them to find out more!

Affiliate Products

Offering affiliate products is a very popular and effective way for making money by blogging since it is so easy to locate relevant products! In many cases a link is placed within the content itself offering readers something that is related to what they are reading. People can choose to click on the link or simply continue reading uninterrupted!

Physical Products

Many products are available for drop shipping and people tend to feel more comfortable with something they can actually touch. Here too any physical products offered should have relevancy to the theme of the blog platform or the subject of an update. Once again placing a link within a post or even using an ad located on the perimeter of the page is typically how these offers are made available!

Your Own Products

Using an ad placed on the page margins is usually how a blogger will offer their own products. This is a popular and effective way for an established blog platform to make promotional offers to their visitors. These products normally sell well since there already exist a certain loyalty and respect towards the blogger. It stands to reason that if people have a respect for and place value in the site administration they will do likewise with anything they created!

Sell Ad Space

This method for making money by blogging is one used by sites that are more established. Advertisers are always looking for 'popular' online locations where they can promote their goods and services! If your platform has a good amount of traffic you are in a position to 'rent' space to advertisers!

The most effective marketing strategies anyone can use for making money by blogging are those that do NOT aggressively promote products! Subtlety is the key for creating wealth on a blog platform since people come to the site primarily for the content and not to be sold. The 5 suggestions offered above have proven to work quite well for monetizing a blog platform without being overly pushy with visitors! Always remember first and foremost that the quality of your updates is what draws visitors and that overly aggressive sales tactics can just as easily drive them away!

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
To learn more about effective marketing tactics for your blog and to also receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques for your online marketing needs simply visit:

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