No matter how you look at it your blog content is the seed from which the site will grow! It is a combination of the quality of information reflected in your blog posting and your success at getting others to view it! What you are ultimately trying to do is get more traffic to your blog platform and our discussion here is how to do just that! It starts with getting more people to see your blog posting efforts which can be accomplished by combining your fine quality content with some strategic linking!
Here are 3 simple yet very powerful ways in which to attract a larger viewing audience to your blog platform by the effective use of linking!
Internal Linking
Whenever you are doing any blog posting to your platform it is always recommended to link the new update with others on your site. What you want to do is determine a relevance between the new entry with any others formerly posted. This helps viewers navigate your platform much easier when seeking additional information they might have otherwise overlooked! In addition search engines will find it much easier to navigate the site and the more relevancy they find between and amongst varying updates, the higher your ranking!
Visiting Your Neighbors
It is always a good idea to go out and visit other sites within your niche to see what is happening and capture new ideas. When you land on a blog platform that has a discussion going on that captures your attention, do not be afraid to join. When contributing always try to add value or insight to the discussion and ALWAYS be sure you leave a link back to your own site! This is NOT a guarantee of having other sites linking back to you since your comments need to be sincere, constructive and without blatant self-promoting. On the other hand when they do it opens the door for you to get more traffic back from these sites. If what you got to offer on your own platform is worth their visit you can be sure they will refer their friends as well!
Killer Updates
Everything starts and ends with the quality of your own blog posting. You can invite any and everybody to come take a look, but if they do not like what they see you will not see them again! On the other hand updating your site with useful, informative or otherwise entertaining information will get you noticed! If what you display is good enough, other sites will notice and refer their own readers by linking to a particular post on your platform. In fact 'resource blogs' thrive on the quality information that 'others' create to update their own sites. The fact is this is yet another source of incoming traffic you did not have to actively invest the effort to generate!
Your blog content is the key to how you will get more traffic which of course is what you will need to operate a successful site! Updating the site with your high quality blog posting efforts is only half the battle, the other being making others aware of what you have posted! No matter what the quality of information that may be found on any blog platform, if you have no viewers your efforts are for naught! The 3 suggestions offered above simply make use of some strategic linking in combination with some already existent content to help you get more traffic to your site! Once people do arrive the rest is up to you insofar as what you have to offer them since it must be good to get them to return!
TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
To learn more about using links to get the most out of your blog content and to also receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques for your online marketing needs simply visit:
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