Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Beginner's Portrait Into the World of Blogging

Unless you are one of those people who tend to stick their heads in the sand, ostrich-wise, there are not many computer savvy people who don't know what a blog is. However, for the ostriches amongst you, a blog is an online journal where any person online, if they choose to, can write about their experiences, concerns, opinions and ideas and then post this personal record online where all the world can read it. Nowadays there are innumerable blogging sites, specific websites designated to publishing personal blogs and nothing else.

All Blogs are Different
Blogging has come a long way since it was first introduced. There are many blogging websites which have the facilities to include your audio or video files with your blogs. As you read through lots of different blogging sites you will notice one thing that all blogs have in common: that is, they are all different! They each follow different text layouts, a range of styles and a choice of formats, as well as using a diversity of settings.

You are the Author
When you write a blog for publication the final choice as to how it looks after publication is up to the writer - i.e. the blogger: in other words, YOU! So, when you write your blog, include pictures, hyperlinks, unbroken texts, audio, video - whatever you want to include to personalize those thoughts and opinions you are intent on putting into online print. You may prefer to record your thoughts and ideas as words rather than writing it down and then add this audio recording to your blog. This kind of blog is called audio blogging.

The Shape of your Blog
Templates designed to be used for blogging are essentially very simple and you can add new pages without having to perform mental calisthenics! Each template has been designed to fulfill specific settings so that it is extremely easy for bloggers to get on with blogging which is what they are interested in and forget about the complicated bits. Almost all blog template designs have fixed spaces for you to slot into place your title. There is then space left for you to insert your actual blog.

Incorporated into this part of the page is a place for backtracks which enables other websites to link back to the blog you are writing. Each blog you write acquires its own URL once it has been written and published. This is referred to as a permanent link. Finally, at the end of your blog the template allows for comments, offering readers a means to post any comments they might have back to you so you can take on board what your readers might be saying about the subject you have written about, or even how they feel about you - the writer of this particular blog.

A Choice of Templates
Of course, to blog you do not actually need to use a pre-defined template but, if you are new to the world of blogging, then you will certainly find there are certain advantages to choosing an appropriate template design. Nowadays, all the blogging websites - and there are many of them - offer the prospective blogger a wide range and diversity of template designs; one for every situation, in fact.

How to Get Published
Getting published is as easy as falling off a log - no matter how much of a novice you are to the blogging fraternity. Simply 'Google' blogging websites and then take your pick as to which ones to join. Your first step really is in choosing which websites you wish to deign with your web presence. Immediately your membership has been approved - a mere formality - you will be a fully accepted member of that particular blogging community.

This enables you to peruse through the blogs supplied by fellow members of this community, incorporate those blogs into yours through embedded linking as well as being able to offer your own comments, opinions and criticisms to any blog you have read within the community you are now a member of. Furthermore, you have full and equal rights within this community to write your own blog and have it published.

Specific Themes
For those of you who follow a specific sport or who is an ardent supporter of a particular actor's career; maybe you are a Royalist and enjoy following the antics and nefarious activities of some of the more infamous members of the royal families around the world; or, perhaps you are of a more serious and academic style and have an inherent desire to read about all things medical: whatever your chosen interest, there is a blogging community specifically for you.

Once you have found that relevant community and become a member, you can read other blogs and write about your own interests within that specific theme to your heart's content. All blogs appertaining to that subject and topic matter will be accepted for publication. In fact, blogging has become an entrepreneur's paradise and an ideal way to market their goods and make money.

From Advertising to Education: blogging makes it happen!
You may have just had your very first novel printed - but, since your income from this novel is directly dependent on the number of books you sell, how do you get the word out? The answer is through blogging. Are you involved in direct marketing informational products online? Again, blogging is the answer to get the word out and about. In fact, there are few places where blogging fails to play its part.

Even in the world of higher education there are going to be students who, for one reason or another have missed a vital class. How do they catch up on the work they have missed? You've guessed it - following each class the lecturer arranges for their teaching blog to be updated, with a piece of the lecture presented in blog form for the benefit of missing students.

A Vital Means of Expression
Clearly the blogging phenomena has caught the imagination of everybody from politicians to policemen with just about every other person and his dog writing about their everyday lives and the antics of that said dog, along with blogs now heralded as an opportunity for revealing personal expression as well as keeping the art of writing alive and well. The majority of people treat their individual blogs as a personal rant and cant against the stress their daily lives generate, an opportunity to criticize the government and its policies and generally let off much-needed steam.

This vital means of expression creates a community of like-minded people who can all interact amongst the other people belonging to each blogging community, generating an online community that has replaced many of the social communities displaced by modern city regeneration and the mobile job market fracturing traditional societies as nets are cast far and wide in an ever-widening search for scarce and scant job opportunities.

Where Weblog Rules, there are no Rules
What started out as an online journal known as a weblog soon became abbreviated to blog as its popularity increased all over the world. Blogging communities became the normal way of addressing people's need to interact with others sharing a similar mind-set and similar opinions. Blogs became the 21st century's answer to man's need, as a social animal, to intermingle and exchange ideas with others. One of the benefits of blogging is the fact that there are no rules to inhibit either reader or writer of blogs.

The majority of blogging websites are free to use and, for the members of each blogging site, the word 'free' extends to the manner in which blogs are written. In other words, no format is considered wrong and, similarly no style or manner of writing is considered better or worse than any other. The true essence of a blog is to get the idea over to the reader; information the blog writer wants to impart is presented from the blog writer's heart: that is all that is important for the dedicated blogger.

Benefits of Blogging
The true benefits of blogging is that there are many of them and they are usually free to use. You can consult a blogging directory if you are concerned with finding specific themes. Themes will be organized and collated according to subject and theme, in much the same way that a business telephone directory is organized. Blogging is now such a widespread and popular activity that it is simple to get started and quite easy to find a suitable blogging community to belong to. In fact, you can join as many blogging communities as you want to, each with a different theme - or simply blog on a daily basis using a generic blogging site and the most basic template design. The fact of the matter is that blogging is intended to be straightforward and simple to get involved with and, overall, amongst the blogging communities, there are no rules to adhere to: happy blogging!

Peter Fitzgerald has been involved in online, affiliate and internet marketing for over seven years with various projects. He freely admits that he was knocking his head against the wall for the first three years. Success came to him some five years ago after taking a six month break in order to study the subject of online marketing with some of the leading authorities on the subject. Peter says: "Investing in my self to improve my worth to others is the most profitable thing I ever did." Peter now spends his time writing successful blogs and fully understands the meaning of blogging. He also enjoys article marketing, finds both activities compliment each other.

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