Monday, August 8, 2011

Blogging - Why Do Some Blogs Fail?

Starting and running a blog can be a rewarding experience if done correctly and in a manner that will gradually increase the audience. Whether you want to talk about your new tabby cat, what you did today or share information about your business, blogging is a great way to share that information with anyone who is interested in what you have to say. It's a sounding board and as the blogger, you control what the message is.

Most bloggers dream of grander things when they start their blog. They imagine that in no time they will have hundreds of followers eagerly logging online every day to go to their blog and hang on their every word. Months later, when this doesn't happen, some become discouraged and do one of the worst things a blogger can ever do. They stop posting on a regular basis which is blogging suicide.

Truth of the matter is that it takes time to build a following for any new blog. Patience and consistent postings are the keys to building a blog along with a bit of know how in advertising using social media, word of mouth and link sharing with other blogs with similar content and interests.

The reasons for starting a blog are as different as the bloggers that post on them. One of the most popular reasons is to make money with affiliate programs, drive traffic to a business website or entice people to spend their money one way or another. In other words, the blog is created for cashing in on the audience. Granted there are many successful blog owners out there that are making a substantial living with their blog, don't expect to be one of them right from the beginning and don't give up easily while in the process of building your following.

Why do some blogs fail? There are many reasons for failure.

The blog format is too cluttered. Choose a design for your blog that is easy to read and looks organized. It is so tempting to fill the sidebar of your blog up with affiliate links and other money making banners but resist the temptation. It is important that the content of your blog be interesting. Notice I didn't necessarily say informative? That's because there are so many different niches to choose from when blogging that you can write anything you want, just make sure what you write is interesting.
The entries are poorly written. One of the most irritating things in the world for a blog follower is to try and decipher poorly written blog entries. Improper grammar and spelling can be one of the kisses of death for a blog. Be sure to have some sort of grasp on the English language (if your blog is geared toward an English speaking audience) before diving in to write an entry for your blog.
It doesn't tell a story. Each blog entry should read like a mini-story. It should have a beginning, middle and a conclusion. Don't jump around the timeline because that is extremely confusing for most people. Get to the point and close the story out in the end. If it is a business blog, a call to action is an excellent choice that should be included at the end of every entry.
Your entries are plagiarized. No matter how tempting it may be, just don't do it. If you don't know what plagiarizing is then please go Google it now. It is important for every writer no matter how often they write to know the importance of everything being original. It's no fun to find out someone else has stolen your work or to be discovered and the one who stole it. Word travels at the speed of lightning online and your blogging reputation can be shot before it ever had a chance to start.
Your entries aren't consistent enough. Pick a posting schedule and stick with it. If you want to post every day, then post every day. If you want to post a few times a week, then stick with it. Once you stop posting, people will stop reading. Consistency is the key to a successful blog.
You try to monetize too early and become a pushy salesman. Unless your blog specializes in product reviews or a certain niche that deals specifically with affiliates, don't try to push a product down your reader's throat. If you find a product that you like and want to talk about it, by all means do it. It's just not wise to fill your blog up with advertisements. People will quickly think you are becoming a spammer and will stop reading you. When the time is right, you can add affiliate links and monetize your blog for your own benefit.

There are many reasons why blogs fail and those are just a few. Successful blogging takes planning, time and a great bit of patience. It never hurts to have a keen since of humor as well. You never know who will be stopping by your blog at any given moment and the feedback they will leave you in the comments.

Lanie Ricketts is a professional article writer and blogger. You can visit her personal blog at or follow her on Twitter at

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