Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Blog Commenting For SEO Purposes

This article will discuss important matters that you need to consider when using blog commenting to increase the SEO of your blog. There are a number of important factors to consider when choosing a blog to comment on. All blogs are not created equal. Just because you comment on another blog doesn't mean that you're increasing your blog's Search engine optimization or page rank.

There are three main factors I look for when searching for a blog to comment on to increase my blog's SEO.

1. Relevancy. In order to maximize your SEO results when blog commenting you must comment on relevant sites. Look for sites with posts in the same niche that have similar topics. For example, if you're an affiliate marketer, in order to find a good list of relevant sites, Google phrases like "Top Affiliate Marketing Blogs" to find a list of blogs to comment on.

To get the most "link juice" possible make sure that both the blog and the blog post you comment on are relevant to your blog. For example if you have a blog about SEO, look at the post titles of the blog your going to comment on. Choose one that is very similar to your blog. For example if two of the titles were: 1. Blog Commenting SEO Strategies; and 2. How to get more Twitter Friends, be sure to choose the Blog Commenting Post.

2. Do Follow Links. In order to get quality backlinks when blog commenting for SEO you want to make sure that the Blog you comment on does not use "no follow" links. WordPress Blogs are set as "no follow" by default. A blogger has to manually change that setting. This can easily be done by downloading a "Do Follow" Plugin. By definition a "do follow" backlink is a link that the search engine robots can follow from the blog back to your site. This type of link can help index your site faster, improve your SEO and your page rank. A "no follow" link doesn't give you any link juice or help with SEO, but can lead traffic back to your site.

There are a number of ways to find out if a site is a "do follow" or "no follow":

a. press ctrl + u, then press ctrl + f and type in "nofollow" in the source code, the words "nofollow" will be highlighted if it's a no follow blog;

b. Download SEOQuake.com. This can display "no folow" links with a line through them;

c. Download SEO for Firefox. This can be set up to highlight "no follow" links.

3. Page Rank. Is a numerical method used by Google to assign a value to websites. Google assigns page ranks from 0 - 10. In order to more effectively raise your sites PR you want to blog comment on sites with high PR.

The basic theory is that links from relevant blogs with high pr give you more "link juice", or they have a more positive effect on your blogs rank than links from low PR blogs. To find high PR sites download SEOQuake.com. Then every time you do a search a toolbar will pop up, click on the? next to PR to find out the blogs PR rank. That's the basics of Blog Commenting for SEO purposes.

To find out more tips and strategies about how to boost your traffic, sales and PR on your site using blog commenting I suggest that you click on the links below in my resource box.

To discover more secrets about how to use blog commenting to SEO your blog click on Blog Commenting SEO Tips

If you need more targeted leads and want to learn how to drive targeted leads to your site with blog commenting click on How to Use Blog Commenting

View the original article here

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