Monday, August 8, 2011

Automatically Pinging Your Blog For Improved Website Traffic

Imagine yourself sweating the night away, trying to write a unique article which you will post in your website or blog to attract more visitors and readers. Eventually, this readership can translate to bigger profits. After you have written your article and posted it in your website or blog, you wait for search engines to recognize this update and index your blog entry.

Internet users and readers make use of the search engine when looking for information. There are studies showing that internet users rarely go beyond page three and four of the search results. So it is important that you, as a blogger or webmaster to be on the top of the search rankings.

Waiting for Google to index your site, will take weeks. So what you need is notify these search engines to let them know that your blog or website has been updated. This will help in boosting your rankings on the search engines and increase website traffic.

Ping or pingback is one of the techniques that you could use for better Google rankings. In simple terms, ping sends notices to search engines about the new content in your website. Search engines will then direct traces to your blog and index it.

Pinging a website or a blog should only be done once, after the content has been posted. Frequently pinging your blog using different pinging services will make search engines mark it spam. Search engines will dismiss the update, sometimes end up in banning the site. It is also very important to ping your site, if you have new content.

There are blogs systems or sites like Technorati and WordPress that automatically pings the search engines when your website is updated. You just have to look for the Ping Service facilities of these systems to automatically ping your site.

Blogs systems like WordPress and Technorati, will send notification to search engines about the updates made in your blog. To access this built-in feature in WordPress, all you need to do is just into writing mode and choose the settings tab. You will eventually find a box where you will be able to update or access the pinging service.

Often, these services offered by blogging systems are disregarded or forgotten by new and even professional bloggers. It is important to pay attention to this kind of detail in order to generate more results. There are some blog owners or webmasters who prefer to do the pinging on their own.

You could search for a pinging service website and just provide the necessary information. They will often require that you enter the blog title, your blog's URL, and the category of your blog entry. You could also choose what sites you want to send your updates. Normally, it will take about 10 minutes, before the sites that you want are pinged.

So if you are just choosing a blog software or system to host your new blog, consider this automatic ping services. Having a tool like this will definitely be useful in increasing your blog traffic.

Automatic Pinging if done correctly will improve your website with free traffic. However, if you are looking for more than just free traffic and not sure how to go about doing it, you can check with some Internet Marketing Experts. They are the professionals and understand how to help you generate good quality traffics or simply visit for more information.

View the original article here

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