Thursday, June 30, 2011

What It Takes to Make Real Money Online

It has taken me a whole two years to finally start making income online. All this time I have tried to learn the ropes, worked hard promoting my blog and waited for the results. Sometimes I was in the thick of the mud and really wanted to give up. Maybe this whole thing about making a full income online was too good to be true. I however chose to soldier on. I had free internet back at school and lots of free time so it didn't seem like I had anything to lose. Besides, I really don't like giving up that easily.

I now have some experience and I can tell you what it takes to make money online.

For one, you need to think outside the box. It doesn't make sense to write about a topic that has been tackled and written about to death. True, it might be profitable but you also realize that it will be very competitive and pitched with guys who have lots of cash to spend on Google AdWords, you might never make it.

Write about what you know and what you are really conversant with. This means you will have more ideas to write about. This is even more so if you are a blogger. For your blog to grow you need to keep on coming up with more and more fresh content everyday. If you can't do this you are unlikely to get lots of readers, leave alone making money online.

Another thing you need to learn is that patience pays. It takes lots of time for your online business to start making you money. Think of it as an investment. Something that will be making you a small fortune a year to come. People start their ventures online expecting to make a pile by the first month. When this fails to happen they slowly start to lose the energy needed to keep on coming with new exciting ideas. Slowly they stop writing as many articles as they used to (supposing you have a blog). You traffic reduces and soon only your friends visit your site. Just to be nice. Making money online takes time. Always remember that.

If you have a blog, remember to value your readers and reply to their comments, clarify things that need to be clarified and generally make them feel appreciated. This way they are more likely to remain loyal to your blog and even refer more people to it.

By following this simple steps you will realize that you can easily make some good money online.

I invite you to submit your articles to a free article directory by heading over to

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Who is The Best Free Blog Provider?

Over the years, I have looked at different blog providers. I have built some pretty nice blogs with some great followings, but I don't believe in paying for something if I don't have to and in blogging there's no difference.

Most of my blogs have been with WordPress. I've had a few with other companies too. WordPress provide a nice looking, easy to use blog. There are lots of templates and they have some good widgets, but the problem there, is that they don't allow the use of widgets from other organisations. I have an account with Widgetbox and I see the importance of having good widgets in order to maximise the flow of traffic to my blog. If those widgets aren't available, there is little chance of your blog being able to spread virally. There are some Facebook widgets, but you need to access the actual posts in order to view them. I just don't think that is adequate enough.

With WordPress, the statistics they provide are also limited to how many all-time visitors you've had to your blog and it gives a graph, but that's not really helpful enough. They really need to look at their facilities for statistics and improve where they deem necessary. WordPress would definitely increase on the numbers of people using them as a blog provider if they did work on these features.

Therefore, I was left with a dilemma. Did I need to stick with a blog that I was working hard on maintaining while I couldn't have my blog advertised widely by other people? Or, did I do a search for another blog provider, where I may be able to use Widgetbox widgets.

So, I did a search for a more user friendly, more accessible blog with greater functionality and more potential to maximise traffic. I signed up for quite a few and then I found something that said - try blogger. So, I did. I tried to put my Widgetbox widgets into the Blogger blog and that worked. I now have around 40 shout icons going to all the social bookmarking sites (including Facebook and Delicious), a Tweet this widget for Twitter and a language translation tool allowing for people around the world to access my blog and translate it into their own language.

As far as statistics go, I don't need to use an ad tracker because Blogger does that too. It tracks all the hits, lets me know where they are from, where the hit originated from geographically and even allows me to see what operating system the visitor was using.

So, now I'm happy. I can build up a large readership. I can use the great kind of material I was using in my WordPress blog, and I can realise not only my potential, but also the potential that a free blog provider, namely Blogger, can provide.

Check out my Blogger blog for yourself, just go to

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Writing for Blogs - 5 Tips

Your goal when writing for blogs is to develop your own interesting, informative, and clear writing style. Knowing that you will be using your own expert knowledge to interest and inspire your readers.

Here are 5 Tips on Writing for Blogs:


1. Update, update, and more updating

Blogs that attract the most readers, and keep them coming back, are the ones with regular updates. If you are serious, be prepared to spend some important time on your own writing and posting to your blog every day, at least a minimum of 3 times a week. Get into a routine, a habit!

2. Developing your own style

When writing blog posts for your small business, or personal blogs, keep a specific target audience in mind. This means you will be thinking of someone you know well. You really do need to know your target audience. Get a person in your mind that represents your audience. This is your targeted customer! Become well acquainted with the person. That's who you want to read your blog. Then write for that person.

3. Present the need

Most people will not read what you are writing for blogs, if they don't feel they need to know what you're writing about. Your title and the first paragraph of your blog post need to show your target audience why reading what you write in your blog posts are important to them. Tell them what problem you are solving, what needs you are trying to meet, what they'll learn and how it will make their lives better. They will want to know what's in it for them. Do this and you'll increase the likelihood of them reading through your full post and coming back.

4. Choose something basic to talk about

Like "5 Things You Need to Know When You Start Writing for Blogs". Sometimes it is the most simple and basic tips that people want. Write for the beginner type of reader and you might find you connect with more of your targeted customer. In other words, put it in laymen's terms.

EX: Instead of assuming someone knows what SEO means - spell it out - 'Search Engine Optimization - optimizing your blog's online visibility so that search engines like Google can locate your site.' Remember, that you need to put your targeted audience first when you are writing for blogs. It is your readers that you want to interest and keep coming back. SEO helps them find you. Your writing content and expertise keeps them coming back.

5. Break it down into steps

I always say step by step. You need to learn how to communicate in bite sized and achievable steps. Use screenshots and examples to show processes. Post a step by step process via audio or video to explain further. Write out the steps, if that explains it better, when you are writing your blog posts.

Even if you are a "novice" writer, you can be interesting enough to attract your own audience and keep them coming back. And, the more you write, the more your own style will emerge.

So - Practice, practice and more practice...

Now go and take care of writing for blogs that are important to you, and refer back to these simple, yet very important steps.

Coach Donna Ward, A Strategic Small Business Coach and Coaching Entrepreneurs, To increase profits and get breakthrough results for your business. Coach Donna helps small business owners and professionals gain clarity, overcome their limits, increase their profits, and expand their life visions.

And, I now invite you to learn from my own video about 'Your Small Business Blog'

From Dream To Done: Success Is A Sequence Of Projects. A Project is a framework which brings together resources and actions toward achieving a specific goal. Understand how to go from "dream" to "done" by defining what you want to accomplish and translating your intentions, resolutions and goals into a well-defined project you can take action on, right now.

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Why It Is Important to Have a Company Blog

Blogging is one of the easiest and quickest ways to promote your company's product. A favorite among many managers and business owners, a blog can be easily maintained even if you're not technology savvy. Maintaining your blog poorly, because you don't have time, can damage your online marketing plans. Which is why, hiring a blog writer who can establish your company's online presence, while saving your time and money, can be a good option.

Tell about Yourself

Blogging is casual and informal way of informing the customers about the services or products of your company, with can give you credibility. It is an effective way to provide customers brochures, tips and manuals of your product.

Show Off Your Expertise

As it is inexpensive and extremely easy to manage, a blog enables you to add and update content on your website without much difficulty. In addition to this, you can also post recent surveys conducted in the industry, statistics, upcoming trends in the market on your company blog so that many other websites link to your site for relevant and trusted information. This can be beneficial to your website ranking, as search engines like Google favor websites with appropriate and useful content, for the top positions. Good websites relying upon your blog can give you an impression of expert in the field.

Communicate Your Deals and Offers

Another advantage of creating a blog is that it allows regular communication with existing and prospective customers. By constantly updating your blog, you can give useful tips and share information about the products, offers and deals that may interest and attract your customers to make a purchase. Also, interesting and intriguing articles will keep your customers on the website and increase the traffic as more and more people start sharing them. Even though blogs can not be the sole way to increase the sales of your product, it can definitely persuade people to consider your product before others.

Customer Care Service

A blog makes you easily accessible and available to customers, 24 hrs a day. By replying to the users' comments, feedback and questions about your product, you can affirm your expertise in the field and induce them to purchase your product. A community of your customers liking your products and services can be built online so that your company grows stronger.

Blogging opens up many ways to promote your business in a cost-effective way. If managing blogs regularly is difficult for you, take the help of a blog writer to build and maintain your blog in a professional way, and strengthen your relationships with the customers.

To hire a web content writer or to find out more about content writing services, get in touch with Godot Media.

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Why Micro Blogging For Your Business?

If you run a business and do not have the time or the resources to run a full-blown blog, a micro blog becomes your best bet. Unlike full-blown traditional blogs, micro blogs are quite smaller in a ramification: file sizes, article lengths, and length of posts. Micro blogging exists in several sizes and capacities, and it is intended to assist you in promoting your business and service by providing you with a platform where you can stay in touch and communicate with your clients and customers.

We live in a world where branded businesses are the most successful business. When it comes to branding your business, whatever decisions you intend to take, it is highly recommended that you should ensure that your clients and customers do approve of such decision. When it comes to making and taking decisions that would affect your business, failure to include your clients and customers could cause you to lose their loyalty and continuous patronage. As an individual who runs a business and intends keeping his clients and customer in the know concerning some of the decisions that he intends taking, having a blog is your best.

In terms of features and functionality, there is no yardstick for comparing a micro blog to traditional blog. Despite the fact that the features and services that a traditional blog provides is light years ahead that of a micro blog, blogging is still relevant and important because it has a large community of followers and support from fortune micro blogging platforms and companies such as Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku and mysay.

Most social networking platforms have incorporated the concept and ideal of micro blogging into their platform. Although most folks out there are unaware and oblivious of this fact, it is pertinent to mention that almost everyone out there has tested or put to use this feature. Micro blogging is an essential platform for marketing and PR. In terms of PR, as a good business minded individual you would agreed that being able to influence the perception that the public has about your product is one of the shortest routes to success. Besides just assisting you to handle your PR, Micro blogging can also assist you in marketing your product or services.

Leveraging the many benefits of blogging could assist you in reaching out to potential clients and customers who might be in need of your product or services. With so many social marketing blogging platforms out there, it is certain that your business would witness astronomical growth if you can take advantage of some of the many benefits that a micro blogging platform has to offer.

Fred Lotgering is a professional Internet Marketing consultant working from multiple locations around the world. He is dedicated to help to grow small and medium sized businesses by offering a variaty of Internet Marketing tools! He is the owner of LotCon. ("LotCon" comes from Lotgering Consultancy). LotCon is registered in the Netherlands, soon also in Brazil). For more products suitable for "YOUR" business please go to: LotCon Biz Solutions Blog

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What Is Website Tagging And How To Use Blog Tags To Benefit Your Readers

Website tagging is a process that delineates the purpose of a site or blog. Adding blog tags to one's post, for instance, should tell the story of that post. What is it truly about? Your readers want to know, but more importantly than that, the search engines do as well. Engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo work very hard to sort out the good posts from the bad and deliver the best, most relevant search results possible to their users. Your tags are a way of helping them determine the relevancy of your data and whether or not it should receive a high search engine ranking for your area of optimization. Some say that tagging is very helpful to one's SEO purposes, while others claim that it is of very little value. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in between.

Effective Tagging

If you are going to start a website, and you want that site to focus on a sports niche, such as "Great Heavyweight Boxers" or "Boxing Legends from the Heavyweight Division," then you have a good starting point for website and blog tagging. There is the tag "heavyweight division." There is the tag "boxing legends." As you create new posts that pertain to more specific elements of this sub category, your site or blog will start to take on a greater amount of importance in your niche to the engines as they rank you.

That's why frequency of posts plays such a vital role to building organic traffic. However, it is important to note with individual blog or website posts that tagging is not simply the act of randomly stuffing keywords so that an engine will be "fooled." They are too smart for this. Effective tagging incorporates many keywords that are relevant to the posting but that also, in a sense, tell a story of the posting. Instead of a post on "George Foreman," for instance, your post could be about the boxing legend as well as "boxing comebacks," "dramatic knockouts," and "biggest boxing upsets." As the oldest heavyweight champion of all time, Foreman amassed a number of accomplishments in his career that search engines will find fascinating.

Ineffective Tagging

More and less are not the answer. You could have 100 tags, but if they are not focused and coherent enough in their delivery, then your site or blog will not convince the search engines they are worthwhile. What you are looking for is a healthy mix between relevancy and frequency. Some say a standard 500-word post should have a minimum of 10 tags. Maybe this is a good guideline, but you should focus instead on what your blog posts are about and do your best to provide the engine with as many relevant tags as possible.

Host your blog or any of your websites with hostgator web hosting. They are the best Unix web hosting company. Grab the latest hostgator hosting coupons HOSTGATOR371, and get the best hostgator discount today. Visit this hostgator website for more coupons and information.

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What Is the Best Permalink Structure?

WordPress is one of my favorite platforms to run my websites from because it makes it so simple to create a new website with, add new content, tweak settings and appearances, and it's extremely user friendly. Plus it's free! It can also be very search engine friendly. Part of this is using the best permalink structure. This article will identify what a permalink is, how to set one, and identify the best permalink structure.

Permalinks are the settings in WordPress which dictate how your links and URLs will look like when you create a new post or page in WordPress. The default setting in WordPress is to assign new posts which you make a number. I can't really think of a good purpose for using numbers to identify your posts.

This doesn't tell us anything about what the post is about in the address bar and can make it very difficult if you're trying to spread that link around as is as you and no one else will easily be able to tell what that post is about.

Therefore we need to change the permalink structure to something which is both more user and search engine friendly. How you do this is you sign into your WordPress dashboard, click on the "settings" tab on the left, then the "permalinks" option which appears below that menu. If you never changed this, it will be set to the default of "?p=123".

You'll notice that there are a few options. You can set it to day and name, month and name, numeric, or you can use your categories in a subdomains structure. I recommend going with the custom structure option and adding your own.

The custom structure I recommend that you type here goes "/%postname%/". Note that the quotation marks are NOT part of the code.

Now what this code is going to do is make it so that whenever you create a new post or page, it will be labeled as your post's name. This is reflected both in the title bar, the address bar, and the link itself. So if your site was and you just made a post called "what is the best permalink structure", that post's URL would appear as "".

This makes the content of the post clearly visible to anyone who sees that URL or title, and more importantly it tells the search engines exactly what that content is about without their having to figure it out for themselves. This will especially help you in ranking well for your search keywords, so make sure that you use your keywords in your title (which you should be doing anyway).

I've put together a video showing me using permalinks which you can check out by clicking this link for what is the best permalink structure.

For a complete video WordPress tutorial to cover the other important SEO and usability points to know, click on this link for how to use WordPress.

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Which Blogsite Is Best? Top 4 Choices

Which Blogsite is Best for Your Blog?

When it comes to sharing ideas, blogging is the next best thing since the invention of the printing press. With a blog, anyone can share their ideas with a global audience. Blogsites, also known as blogging platforms, make setting up a blog possible even if you don't have technical knowledge. If you want to create your own profitable or personal blog today, you may wonder, which blogsite is best to use in setting up a blog.

Here are the four most popular blogging platforms people use to set up their own blogs. This list will help you get an answer to which blogsite is best for you.

Blogger: This is a free, web based blogsite owned by the search engine giant Google. What makes Blogger one of the best is its ease of set up. Even if you are a beginner, you can become a published blogger within 15 minutes with its easy and fast set up. Other best features include a drag and drop template building option and dynamic updating. If you want a large blog, this platform can accommodate up to 100 users.
WordPress: This open source blogging platform gives you the option of creating a free WordPress blog or a WordPress hosted blog. While it may not be the best choice for beginners, its strong points include the variety of plug ins and configuration options that enable you to customize your blog.
Posterous: This is a web based and free blogging platform. It qualifies to answer the question which blogsite is best due to its ease of set up. The most popular Posterous feature is email updating. To get started, you just need to email Posterous will then create a blog for you.
Tumblr: This is also a free, web based blogging platform. Tumblr uses a short form or micro blogging style where one makes short and frequent posts. Top features include the ease of set up and informality. This is the best blogsite if you are not looking for a long-term blogging project that demands your commitment. It is the best blogsite to illustrate the concept of micro blogging.

The above blogging platforms are popular because people love them. This means that they all qualify to be categorized as the best blogsites. Which blogsite is best for you will depend on what kind of blog you want as each blogsite has its strengths and weaknesses. If you want to set up a paid blog, WordPress is the best choice. If you are interested in micro blogging, Tumblr offers that. Blogger and Posterous are best blogsites for beginner.

If you are seriously looking to legitimately make money online, I strongly urge you to click here and discover what happens when education meets opportunity.

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Hosted Blogging Versus Installed Blogging

To succeed in business, marketing and PR are two crucial aspects of your business that you should pay close attention to. When it comes to marketing your product or services, having a good marketing platform is of utmost importance. Although there are several marketing platforms out there, cost is a factor that you should put into consideration if you are interested in marketing your products or service.

Carrying out a marketing campaign for your product or service is quite a capital-intensive project and something that you should take seriously or face with all seriousness. Although carrying out a marketing campaign can be quite capital intensive, a blog does exist to bring down the cost and make things a lot easier. As an individual who has a business and intends promoting his business online, a blog does offer a lot of benefits and advantages. Blog features such as pingback, and RSS feeds can help you gain search engine visibility and disseminate information to your clients and customers. The use of the micro blogging feature that comes with most social networking platforms is one of the most effective way of marketing a product or handling the PR of any business or organization

Although a blog is a very essential utility in running a business and marketing a product or service, it is essential that there are several factors that you should put into consideration before creating blog. When it comes to creating a blog, there are a myriad of blogging platforms to choose from. Regardless of the blogging platform that you have decided to choose from, you would be faced with the option of choosing either a hosted blogging service or an installed blogging service.

Hosted blogging entails creating a blog on an already existing platform. With hosted blogging, the hosting of the blog is handled by the platform at no cost. One of the limitations of using hosted blogging services is that the domain URL of your blog might unnecessary be lengthy since your blogs domain name would have the name of your provider as part of its extension.

With Installed blogging, you have the privilege of getting your own domain name and hosting space and then installing the blog platform of your choice on your hosting space or account. One of the advantages of using installed blogging is that you get to use your domain name without any extension. Besides just using your domain name, you have the choice of customizing the look and feel of your blog with any theme of your choice.

Fred Lotgering is a professional Internet Marketing consultant working from multiple locations around the world. He is dedicated to help to grow small and medium sized businesses by offering a variety of Internet Marketing tools! He is the owner of LotCon. ("LotCon" comes from Lotgering Consultancy). LotCon is registered in the Netherlands, soon also in Brazil). For more products suitable for "YOUR" business please go to: LotCon Biz Solutions Blog

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How to Deliver the Best Blog Posts to Your Readership

All bloggers go through a time when they don't know what to post next. It can be very frustrating and in all of this, our blogs suffer due to neglect. So, where do we get the best ideas from and how do we keep our readers interested in what we have to say?

If you're interested in building a large following through your blog, it's perfectly possible. You just need a bit of consistency, a few good widget to allow your blog to be shared virally, and you need to be a good writer - or at least know of someone who is.

The best place to look for great material for any blog posts are on an article submission directory. There, you will always find well-written, fresh and exciting posts that will really whet the appetites of your readers for more of the same. We just need to make sure that our readers are always interested. It is always best to write for article submission directories yourself. This is because, you will have more people using your articles for their blogs, websites and e-zines. Part of the deal is that people who use your articles, must use any links you have at the bottom of your article.

The next place to get ideas for your blogs, is drumming up ideas from reading other people's blogs. When you do look through other blogs, it is important that you leave a comment at the bottom of the blog post that you are reading. When you leave that comment, you will also be asked for your website address and that generates traffic for your blog. Apart from that aspect of it, the search engines will rank your blog more highly if you have plenty of backlinks to your blog.

Another good way to get ideas for your blog is to look for people's questions on both your blog and other blogs. Are there any comments on other blogs that ask questions that you feel you can answer.

When you have built up your blog a bit, you will find that you get more traffic. It will just take off and some of those people will also ask for information on a certain aspect of your niche. If you can fit that into a blog post, you can not only satisfy your readers, they will also have more respect for you as an expert in a field that they want to learn more about.

I read an article in New Media Age which cleared the air concerning many people's perception that blogging is dying. It is not and it will not. There are many blogs that were once active and churning out great material, that are now inactive and basically dead. The net is a bit of a blog cemetery, but there will always be people who need to get their thoughts out on their own blogs. People will always want to read what you have to say, if you write well and produce a consistent flow of articles and blog posts.

David Verney is a full-time Internet Marketer. He currently works alongside Regency Property Investment to maximise their internet traffic and generate sales. If you would like to learn more about him, you can check his internet marketing blog at or RPI blog at

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How To Easily Install A WordPress Blog

WordPress is a platform that has been designed from the ground up to be easy to use. Whether you are installing or needing to migrate WordPress blogs to a new hosting account, the platform is extremely flexible, and easy to use. Today, I am going to guide you through the most common ways to install the blogging platform on your new domain or hosting account.

First things first, you are going to need a few things. An FTP client will be very handy, as you will need to use this in order to transfer files to your hosting account. For all intensive purposes, I recommend using Filezilla as it is free and works on both Windows and Mac platforms. There are also a variety of other platforms out there such as Cute FTP, Transmit, and Cyber Duck which also work extremely well.

I generally tend to get the database and user creation out of the way before I dig my heels in too much. You will be able to do this through your C-Panel interface, or whichever panel you are using for your hosting whether it be C-Panel, Plesk or Direct Admin. Remember to note down the username, database name and password, as you will need to use this shortly.

You can install WordPress manually by simply downloading the required files from the organisations primary website. Once you have downloaded the zip file, simply upload all of the individual files to the root directory for your domain. Once this has finished, you will need to open the WP-Config file, and enter the database details that you created earlier. Sounds simple? That's because it is. All that you need to do from here is access your new blog at its URL, and complete the installation process by giving it a name, and signing in.

Now, I know that this process might be a little tricky for some of the less technical readers out there, that said, if you have a C-Panel based hosting account, you should be able to install WordPress automatically using Fantastico Deluxe. In some cases, this will be an add on script at a cost, but it is worth the money considering the amount of time that you will save installing your next blog with the push of a button.

Before I finish, I do want to make note that this is only half of the entire process. You still need to customise your blog, and make it look nice along with using the right plugins and so on. For this purpose, I highly recommend that you create a backup of your blog so that you can easily migrate it to a new domain, thus saving more time next time. There are plenty of applications available that will allow you to migrate WordPress blogs to a new domain, but it is a massive time saver that is worth your attention.

Do you want to know how to easily migrate WordPress blogs to new hosting accounts and domains?

Learn how it is done right now at Fast Track Internet Marketing

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How to Come Up With Usable Content Ideas for Your Blog

Thinking up new and very interesting content ideas for your blog is something that all Bloggers have trouble with from time to time. If you have started a blog of your own and you want to make it easier to think up content ideas you are going to have to get used to the idea of being creative. This article will offer you a couple of new blog content ideas that you can use on your own blog.

Case Studies: For the most part, people who read blogs want to find sensible information, advice they can apply and suggestions that truly matter. The goal they have in common is wanting to find information that will help them in practical and intellectual ways with regards to their fields.

Publishing a case study or two on your blog is a fantastic method of generating content while simultaneously selling your own products and services (if you are doing that). You can do this by surveying your own customers and buyers and getting their permission to publish their words on your blog. This way you'll be able to help your readers while helping yourself at the same time. What if you aren't selling anything? You can always aim for affiliate products and publish case studies related to these, which could include your own experience or be about someone that has used the product.

Rant Rant Rant: Do you ever develop strong feelings about something and want to share them with others? How often do you feel the need to get something "off your chest" but don't know what to do about it? There are many reasons why you could feel like strongly expressing yourself and bursting out. This is actually a great source of content for your blog: write a post about it! People like to read the rants from others because they provide value and, often, people appreciate those who speak their minds. If you want the readers of your blog to really enjoy the content you create and to participate in your blog you should consider posting a rant once in a while when you find a topic that you feel strongly about.

Be Newsy: If you are running a B2B blog or a blog that targets a very specific market, you can offer content on industry news that your readers will want to know about. This helps your blog stay current and keeps you ahead of your competitors because you'll be offering good content. You will be able to convert more of your readers into subscribers when you report industry news on time. To do this well, you will need to work hard at staying up to date on what is happening in your industry and have a variety of sources to back you up so that you won't ever be left behind. If you want to find super success with this approach you need to find the right story and feature it at the right time. You can set up "Google Alerts" to help you with this because they send you a notice whenever something featuring your industry shows up in the news.In simple words, creating valuable content for your blog takes time and effort, so make sure you are exploring new content ideas from time to time.

Are you in need of more Blog Content Ideas? Then Stop By The Internet Marketing Training Site for many more ideas on Content Development and how to do it right.

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How to Comment on Blogs

Blogging is a great way to share free information and How To tips with others in your niche. It gives you an opportunity to broaden your network with people who are already interested in and somewhat knowledgeable about your area of expertise.

Reader Comments Important to Blog Posts

Not only do reader comments show the search engines that readers find the content relevant, it also shows other visitors that someone else thinks the post is valuable. This plays on a person's desire to be a part of the "in crowd".

Subconsciously it encourages visitors to read the post and recognize the author as an expert to be followed. Another effect is that visitors recognize commenters as experts as well. If a reader doesn't happen to "click" with the post author, he/she just might identify more with one of the commenters.

In order to benefit from this, it takes two actions: being involved in a syndication tribe so you have quality posts to comment on and others who will comment on your posts and knowing how to write comments.

I have coveredtribe syndication elsewhere. Here I will list the steps in how to comment on blog posts.

Commenting on Other Blogger's Posts

Follow simple correspondence courtesy and address the author by name. People love to hear (or read) their name; it makes the person feel good and acknowledged.Comment specifically about the topic of the post...avoid saying "great post" or something else generic.Find a point you want to highlight as something you strongly agree on; e.g. "I particularly liked how you explained ______."Briefly offer your own unique perspective about the topic. You want to show that you have knowledge and are not just parroting the article.Thank the author and include your name at the end of your comment. Even if the comment format includes your full name, you should at least sign off with your first name.

Commenting Etiquette When You Disagre

Choose wisely...if you don't have to comment (because of your commitment to a tribe), maybe you shouldn't.Feel free to give your opposing point of view. Honesty is important. Anybody can read between the lines when you are not being truthful.Always remember to be are at someone else's blog, their 'home'. Avoid becoming argumentative or insulting. If you get flippant or rude, not only will the blog author get a negative impression of you, so will the other visitors.Try using openers like these: "Well, it's been my experience that..." or "I never looked at it that way..."Being controversial can be a great way to get a lot of lively conversation on a post and makes it a HOT place to be.

Responding to Comments on Your Blog Posts

Consider comments on your blog as a conversation. Answering comments is a courtesy just as it is answering your telephone.Respond to each comment, either individually or group your responses to about 3 commenters a reply.Always reply using the commenter's name.Respond specifically to what the commenter said. This is a good opportunity to add some supporting points to strengthen your position.When someone leaves a controversial comment, maintain your composure and dignity. Acknowledge their opinion and support your position without argument.

Commenting is the real lifeblood of blogging.

Aside from the backlinks and making the search engines like you, the human factor has far more impact. Comments bring life and relationships to a blog. It gives visitors the feeling of coming into an occupied space where a group of people are discussing the post rather than just one person "lecturing".

I saw a blog post on the Slight Edge site that said the post had 40 views. There were around 12 comments. That means 28 others were there and 'met' the author and the commenters.

Learn how to handle commenting on Blogs, both others and your own, and you will harness the greatest marketing power available online.

When I started Network Marketing, I felt like I had arrived in a foreign country. I had to learn a new language, customs, and survival. The internet is full of training programs and opportunities. How do you make sense of it all and pick the right one? I specialize in mentoring and training MLM colleagues until they achieve their goals. I invite you to visit my blog at

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How Much Money Can You Make Blogging?

Well, that's like asking how many pounds of fat can you lose in 3 months. It really all depends. Some people make nothing, and some people make a full-time income from home. However, let's throw some hypothetical numbers and scenarios and see what we can come up with.

Example 1:

Let's use a scenario where you implement Google AdSense into your blog. Each time a user clicks an ad, let's hypothetically say you get paid $0.10. Now, let's assume you have high traffic and 1000 people click your ads each day. That's $100 a day.

Let's say your blog gets even more popular and increase to 10,000 people clicking ads each day. That will be $1,000 a day! If you can learn how to market your blog from home, you can be making this kind of money.

Not only that, since your blog is an asset, it's working for you 24 hours every day. You don't have to do anything except sit back and watch the money pour in.

Example 2:

If you want to know how much money you can make blogging, you also need to consider affiliate marketing. This is wear you promote another company's product or service and you get a commission. Let's say you want to market an e-book about How To Train Dogs on your blog. Now let's say each e-book costs $40 and you get 50% commission each sale.

Let's use more conservative numbers and say only 1000 people visit your blog each day and only 10% purchase the e-book. That's still $200 a day. That would be about $6,000 a month. This includes the weekend days since your blog works for you everyday and doesn't take a break.

Example 3:

So how much money can you make blogging using a sponsorship system? This is where your blog promotes a business opportunity to people who want to make money online. Let's say you only have 100 people visit your blog each day and 50% create accounts and each account is $10 a month. That would equal to about $15,000 a month of residual income!

The best way to make money would be to combine all of these examples. This would mean to create multiple income streams and there really is no limit as to how many you can have. Many people do and make a lot of money working full-time at home with their kids.

Note: If you are looking for an honest and ethical way to generate a full-time income from home, click here.

For free education, free free training, and a free income generating website visit today.

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How to Achieve Success Blogging

When it comes to blogging everybody is out there to succeed. It doesn't matter whether you are thinking of making money blogging or you are in it just because you think it is cool, we all want our blogs to be great. Very few people ever reach the pro blogger status and that may tell you something about the cut throat competition in the blogosphere.

So how can you achieve success blogging. It must be possible because many have made it. If you are ready for the hard work then you and I know that it is achievable. You must understand a few basic things.

For one, you must not let the little successes that come your way to distract you. Maybe you just made three dollars a day and think you have now starting making some income and you don't need to work hard anymore? Think again. It helps you to realize that to keep a steady income you must keep on working, providing fresh content to your readers so you keep them coming.

You also need to constantly optimize your site for the search engines. Especially Google. Their algorithms keep changing and your a thousand hits today from the search engine giant can reduce to a mere ten tomorrow. You should also never rely on the search engines for all your traffic. You might be disappointed. Remember, the guys from Google are not thinking about your site. They are concerned on how to provide the best results for the people who use their search engine. If your site is affected badly in the process, they would care less.

You should definitely think about building a mailing list. You must have heard the phrase 'money is in the mailing list'. I always see my traffic increase whenever I send my weekly newsletter. Never forget that you can use the mailing list to promote your products and affiliate programs.

The Holy Grail of success in blogging is providing quality content. This keeps your readers coming back. Recurring readers are the best because they are more likely to link to you, share your posts on Facebook, tweet them and generally help your blog grow. They are also more likely to recommend your site to a friend.

Achieving success in blogging is never hard so long as you stay on course and are not distracted by the little successes that come your way.

I invite you to submit your articles to Free Article Directory by heading over to

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How to Become a Blogger

Congratulations. You've got your blog set up, you've found all the plug-ins you need and you've decided on a design that's perfect for you. So what next?

You'll need blog post - and that doesn't mean one now and then when you feel like it. You need regular blog posts that will keep your readers enthralled and entertained.

At the outset, fired by enthusiasm, you may find that writing your posts comes easily and you may well get the odd comment now and then.

But as time goes on you begin to notice your stats. You only seem to be attracting a few readers, not the shed loads you'd envisaged when you started out. Not only that but numbers seem to be dwindling.

What's going on?

In simple terms readership is dropping and people who do find your blog are not staying.


You're not being effective - your posts aren't grabbing them anymore.

Learn to become effective

Lesson 1:

Read one of your posts. Is it speaking to you? Be honest.

Think about whether you are talking to your reader or at them. Using 'you' and 'your' in your posts rather than 'I' and 'we', will make a huge difference. You're immediately involving the reader in your post. You're building rapport, drawing them in, gaining their trust.

Lesson 2:

What does your post look like?

A solid wall of text is a huge turn off but break it into small paragraphs and sub headings (like I've done with this article) and it's much easier to read.

Use features such as:

HeadingsSub headingsBulleted listsImages

These will help you add interest to your post and make it look more welcoming.

Lesson 3:

What happens when you get to the end of your posts?

It is vital to tell your reader what to do. If your posts just ends, your reader willbe left feeling rather flat.

But if you add a call to action, you'll be involving them in your blog. It doesn't have to make a sale, it could ask them to sign up to your newsletter or even leave a comment.

Lesson 4:

This is where your subject matter comes into play.

As a copywriter I began blogging and made the conscious decision that all my posts would be related to copywriting, marketing and social media.

Therefore my readers know the type of information they are going to find. If they specifically want to find out about website copy or SEO, they can search for that term or check out my archive list and they'll find the information they need.

But if you write about all manner of subjects, how are your readers going to know if your next post will be of interest? Finding your niche is vital if you want to make yourself an authority in your own field. Everyone loves an expert and they'll flock to you for your help and advice.

Lesson 5:

This one doesn't have anything to do with your writing; it's more concerned with the look of your blog.

Some people go overboard on their design, adding colourful graphics, oodles of images and numerous adverts (in the hope of generating a bit of income from their blog). But the end result is a blog that looks cluttered and uninviting.

Make yours a memorable brand by sticking with a couple of complimentary colours. It'll become instantly recognisable so when your readers return it will be like slipping on a pair of comfortable slippers.

Are you blogging regularly? Do you have a unique way of attracting visitors? Why not get in touch, I'd love to hear what you have to say.

Sally Ormond, Briar Copywriting, is a professional freelance copywriter, SEO website copywriter and advertising copywriting with extensive experience in both B2B and B2C markets.

To have a chat about how she can help you send an email to or call +44(0)1449 779605.

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What's A Blog? Why Should I Get Blogging Services?

What is a blog? What is an article? Why and how are they different? If you compare some of the actual content in blogs and articles, they might look the same. Same style...same format...same look. So what's the difference, and why all this hype about having a blog? What is a blog, and why should you get blogging services?

What Is a Blog?

Basically, the word "blog" originated from "weblog" or "web log." Blogs began in 1997, and originated from different forms of online diaries that people were starting to keep. It also became popular around the same time that forums, threads, discussion websites did. Tools began to come out that enabled people to keep a blog, and blog hosting services began as well as blog software.

Today, the blog is something that a business, individual, or anyone using the web can maintain for free. Places like WordPress and Blogger are great sites to host your own blog on. You can link to it from a site and post to it any time you like.

What's the Difference Between A Blog And An Article?

A blog is known as something that can be any structure, any word count, and something that is rather an opinion rather than fact. More than a few people have made their lifetime money off a blog-some selling their blogs to Google, while others gave rise to uncovering huge scandals or bringing unknown issues to light. An article is something that must be over 250 words. Blogs are a communication method with the reader-an article is something that is referenced, something factual (something boring).

Why Should I Get Blogging Services?

In recent years, businesses have discovered the huge value that a blog can bring them. Each blog article posted on a website is "fresh content" to Google and a means to wrap content around a keyword - meaning high ranks in Google and much more visibility and web presence. Rather than writing each blog themselves, a business owner can turn over this work to blogging services that will do a post per day for a stated fee. The advantages to having a blog for your business and online website can result in success.

Bloggers tend to enjoy a huge circle of social networks (there are thousands of sites you can "submit your blog to"); extremely effective in getting the readers' attention, holding it and sending them a call to action at the end; and can be customized to fit whatever kind of business you have.

Get blogging services today from Express Writers, founded by Julia Spence, a professional freelance writer and sales marketer. With hundreds of successful projects behind them, Express Writers offers some of the lowest prices on the planet for high quality, outstanding blogging services.

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How to Make Money From Blogging - Create a Passive Income With Blog Marketing

Is it really possible to make money from blogging? If you want to spend more time engaged in your hobbies and passions, blogging is a perfect way to make it pay. You do not need to be a professional writer either, but just have a good working knowledge of your subject matter. Being passionate also helps a lot. Pay attention to your writing style so that it is at least semi-professional and, at very least, readable.

Remember that with blogging, content is king. All things being equal, the blogs with the most relevant, original and useful content will rise to the top. The top blogs have a bigger and more fanatical readership, as well as more web traffic from the search engines. Web traffic is what will make your blog a successful money-making machine that will generate a passive income, even while you sleep.

There is a lot to be said about blogging. From sharing travel adventures to political agendas, a blog can be an easy way for anyone with limited technical skill to have their own web page and convey their message to the world. The technology is cheap, and often free, and more user-friendly than ever. This has levelled the playing field to the point that anyone can join in and run a really great blog.

Blogs are convenient and easy to set up and run, because someone else has done all the hard work behind the scenes. All you need to do is decide your subject matter, find a template that looks good - many are free while the better ones cost a little bit, customise the look by changing colour options and adding pictures. Then simply start writing and uploading content.

Blog content can be feature articles, short articles, simple image or video posts, reviews, quick posts, or any multimedia that can be uploaded. As long as it is relevant and interesting, your readership will love it. Try to encourage comments to your posts, because the more interaction you get, the more fanatical your readership will become, which means they will subscribe to your RSS feed and keep coming back for more. They will also start to recommend your blog posts to other internet users.

Perhaps you are wondering how to make money from blogging. There are a number of ways, such as selling your own products or generating third-party advertising revenue. The most popular and effective way is affiliate marketing, which is recommending products which will pay you a commission when blog visitors purchase them. Always do affiliate marketing in good conscience, which means recommending products because you genuinely believe in them, not just to make money. You need to keep the respect of your readers, which you will risk by being over-zealous in your selling. Try to recommend products that your blog readers really want and need. No selling is required when you present people with products that they already want.

It is important to blog consistently to keep your readers engaged, while continually gaining more readers. The search engines also favour websites that have continually changing and updating content. The best thing to do is start. Don't be overwhelmed, just do your first post and then try to do at least one a week. Fairly soon you will have a blog loaded with a lot of great, original content.

To learn more about how to make money blogging, including more information about general blog marketing, affiliate marketing and other modern marketing methods, visit

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