Thursday, June 30, 2011

How To Easily Install A WordPress Blog

WordPress is a platform that has been designed from the ground up to be easy to use. Whether you are installing or needing to migrate WordPress blogs to a new hosting account, the platform is extremely flexible, and easy to use. Today, I am going to guide you through the most common ways to install the blogging platform on your new domain or hosting account.

First things first, you are going to need a few things. An FTP client will be very handy, as you will need to use this in order to transfer files to your hosting account. For all intensive purposes, I recommend using Filezilla as it is free and works on both Windows and Mac platforms. There are also a variety of other platforms out there such as Cute FTP, Transmit, and Cyber Duck which also work extremely well.

I generally tend to get the database and user creation out of the way before I dig my heels in too much. You will be able to do this through your C-Panel interface, or whichever panel you are using for your hosting whether it be C-Panel, Plesk or Direct Admin. Remember to note down the username, database name and password, as you will need to use this shortly.

You can install WordPress manually by simply downloading the required files from the organisations primary website. Once you have downloaded the zip file, simply upload all of the individual files to the root directory for your domain. Once this has finished, you will need to open the WP-Config file, and enter the database details that you created earlier. Sounds simple? That's because it is. All that you need to do from here is access your new blog at its URL, and complete the installation process by giving it a name, and signing in.

Now, I know that this process might be a little tricky for some of the less technical readers out there, that said, if you have a C-Panel based hosting account, you should be able to install WordPress automatically using Fantastico Deluxe. In some cases, this will be an add on script at a cost, but it is worth the money considering the amount of time that you will save installing your next blog with the push of a button.

Before I finish, I do want to make note that this is only half of the entire process. You still need to customise your blog, and make it look nice along with using the right plugins and so on. For this purpose, I highly recommend that you create a backup of your blog so that you can easily migrate it to a new domain, thus saving more time next time. There are plenty of applications available that will allow you to migrate WordPress blogs to a new domain, but it is a massive time saver that is worth your attention.

Do you want to know how to easily migrate WordPress blogs to new hosting accounts and domains?

Learn how it is done right now at Fast Track Internet Marketing

View the original article here

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