Thursday, June 30, 2011

Which Blogsite Is Best? Top 4 Choices

Which Blogsite is Best for Your Blog?

When it comes to sharing ideas, blogging is the next best thing since the invention of the printing press. With a blog, anyone can share their ideas with a global audience. Blogsites, also known as blogging platforms, make setting up a blog possible even if you don't have technical knowledge. If you want to create your own profitable or personal blog today, you may wonder, which blogsite is best to use in setting up a blog.

Here are the four most popular blogging platforms people use to set up their own blogs. This list will help you get an answer to which blogsite is best for you.

Blogger: This is a free, web based blogsite owned by the search engine giant Google. What makes Blogger one of the best is its ease of set up. Even if you are a beginner, you can become a published blogger within 15 minutes with its easy and fast set up. Other best features include a drag and drop template building option and dynamic updating. If you want a large blog, this platform can accommodate up to 100 users.
WordPress: This open source blogging platform gives you the option of creating a free WordPress blog or a WordPress hosted blog. While it may not be the best choice for beginners, its strong points include the variety of plug ins and configuration options that enable you to customize your blog.
Posterous: This is a web based and free blogging platform. It qualifies to answer the question which blogsite is best due to its ease of set up. The most popular Posterous feature is email updating. To get started, you just need to email Posterous will then create a blog for you.
Tumblr: This is also a free, web based blogging platform. Tumblr uses a short form or micro blogging style where one makes short and frequent posts. Top features include the ease of set up and informality. This is the best blogsite if you are not looking for a long-term blogging project that demands your commitment. It is the best blogsite to illustrate the concept of micro blogging.

The above blogging platforms are popular because people love them. This means that they all qualify to be categorized as the best blogsites. Which blogsite is best for you will depend on what kind of blog you want as each blogsite has its strengths and weaknesses. If you want to set up a paid blog, WordPress is the best choice. If you are interested in micro blogging, Tumblr offers that. Blogger and Posterous are best blogsites for beginner.

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