Thursday, June 30, 2011

Writing for Blogs - 5 Tips

Your goal when writing for blogs is to develop your own interesting, informative, and clear writing style. Knowing that you will be using your own expert knowledge to interest and inspire your readers.

Here are 5 Tips on Writing for Blogs:


1. Update, update, and more updating

Blogs that attract the most readers, and keep them coming back, are the ones with regular updates. If you are serious, be prepared to spend some important time on your own writing and posting to your blog every day, at least a minimum of 3 times a week. Get into a routine, a habit!

2. Developing your own style

When writing blog posts for your small business, or personal blogs, keep a specific target audience in mind. This means you will be thinking of someone you know well. You really do need to know your target audience. Get a person in your mind that represents your audience. This is your targeted customer! Become well acquainted with the person. That's who you want to read your blog. Then write for that person.

3. Present the need

Most people will not read what you are writing for blogs, if they don't feel they need to know what you're writing about. Your title and the first paragraph of your blog post need to show your target audience why reading what you write in your blog posts are important to them. Tell them what problem you are solving, what needs you are trying to meet, what they'll learn and how it will make their lives better. They will want to know what's in it for them. Do this and you'll increase the likelihood of them reading through your full post and coming back.

4. Choose something basic to talk about

Like "5 Things You Need to Know When You Start Writing for Blogs". Sometimes it is the most simple and basic tips that people want. Write for the beginner type of reader and you might find you connect with more of your targeted customer. In other words, put it in laymen's terms.

EX: Instead of assuming someone knows what SEO means - spell it out - 'Search Engine Optimization - optimizing your blog's online visibility so that search engines like Google can locate your site.' Remember, that you need to put your targeted audience first when you are writing for blogs. It is your readers that you want to interest and keep coming back. SEO helps them find you. Your writing content and expertise keeps them coming back.

5. Break it down into steps

I always say step by step. You need to learn how to communicate in bite sized and achievable steps. Use screenshots and examples to show processes. Post a step by step process via audio or video to explain further. Write out the steps, if that explains it better, when you are writing your blog posts.

Even if you are a "novice" writer, you can be interesting enough to attract your own audience and keep them coming back. And, the more you write, the more your own style will emerge.

So - Practice, practice and more practice...

Now go and take care of writing for blogs that are important to you, and refer back to these simple, yet very important steps.

Coach Donna Ward, A Strategic Small Business Coach and Coaching Entrepreneurs, To increase profits and get breakthrough results for your business. Coach Donna helps small business owners and professionals gain clarity, overcome their limits, increase their profits, and expand their life visions.

And, I now invite you to learn from my own video about 'Your Small Business Blog'

From Dream To Done: Success Is A Sequence Of Projects. A Project is a framework which brings together resources and actions toward achieving a specific goal. Understand how to go from "dream" to "done" by defining what you want to accomplish and translating your intentions, resolutions and goals into a well-defined project you can take action on, right now.

View the original article here

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