Thursday, June 30, 2011

Why Micro Blogging For Your Business?

If you run a business and do not have the time or the resources to run a full-blown blog, a micro blog becomes your best bet. Unlike full-blown traditional blogs, micro blogs are quite smaller in a ramification: file sizes, article lengths, and length of posts. Micro blogging exists in several sizes and capacities, and it is intended to assist you in promoting your business and service by providing you with a platform where you can stay in touch and communicate with your clients and customers.

We live in a world where branded businesses are the most successful business. When it comes to branding your business, whatever decisions you intend to take, it is highly recommended that you should ensure that your clients and customers do approve of such decision. When it comes to making and taking decisions that would affect your business, failure to include your clients and customers could cause you to lose their loyalty and continuous patronage. As an individual who runs a business and intends keeping his clients and customer in the know concerning some of the decisions that he intends taking, having a blog is your best.

In terms of features and functionality, there is no yardstick for comparing a micro blog to traditional blog. Despite the fact that the features and services that a traditional blog provides is light years ahead that of a micro blog, blogging is still relevant and important because it has a large community of followers and support from fortune micro blogging platforms and companies such as Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku and mysay.

Most social networking platforms have incorporated the concept and ideal of micro blogging into their platform. Although most folks out there are unaware and oblivious of this fact, it is pertinent to mention that almost everyone out there has tested or put to use this feature. Micro blogging is an essential platform for marketing and PR. In terms of PR, as a good business minded individual you would agreed that being able to influence the perception that the public has about your product is one of the shortest routes to success. Besides just assisting you to handle your PR, Micro blogging can also assist you in marketing your product or services.

Leveraging the many benefits of blogging could assist you in reaching out to potential clients and customers who might be in need of your product or services. With so many social marketing blogging platforms out there, it is certain that your business would witness astronomical growth if you can take advantage of some of the many benefits that a micro blogging platform has to offer.

Fred Lotgering is a professional Internet Marketing consultant working from multiple locations around the world. He is dedicated to help to grow small and medium sized businesses by offering a variaty of Internet Marketing tools! He is the owner of LotCon. ("LotCon" comes from Lotgering Consultancy). LotCon is registered in the Netherlands, soon also in Brazil). For more products suitable for "YOUR" business please go to: LotCon Biz Solutions Blog

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